Tuesday, December 2, 2014

New Works in Progress!!

Here is a little update as I try to get back in the swing of things.  I put together 10 Gravis Pattern Lascannons from here.  Three of them can be seen below.  They are an amazing product.  I recommend them for any Praetorian army.  They fit well on a large base with room for crew.  I can't wait to get them painted and put them in action.

Different angles for your viewing pleasure!
Next I have a completed Rough Rider.  Again from Curious Constructs.  My first fully assembled model looks like this.  He is the first of ten that I currently possess.  They may be getting a new mount but these old Empire horses are a perfect fit.  I plan to get another 10.  For no other reason then I think 20 Rough Riders would look awesome.  Anyone have any old horses they are willing to part with?

Very Rough start to my Rough Riders
I hope this is a start to consistent blogging for my army again.  I hope this helps inspire you to work on your own armies. Comment and help keep me motivated. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Almost 2 Years!!!! HOLY CRAP!!

I can't believe how quickly time flies when life gets in the way of hobbying.  It has been nearly two years since an update.  I just happened to going through my collection and organizing it.  I finally took my Col. Gravis Heavy Weapons off their sprues.  I hope that I have the time to get back into it.  I would like to get at least another platoon of infantry done before the new year. 

I am curious to see the new campaign that was posted here.  I have Praetorian, Ork, and Space Marine armies.  I could set this up with some local friends and get it going.  If that happens I will post batreps. 

Well I guess that is it for now.  I will try to post again next week.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!